Release Notes 2015-04-09

Round Robin App release 2.2 is available

I'm happy to share that Round Robin App release 2.2 is available.

What's new:

  • Assigning tickets from Zendesk view
  • Run ticket assignments once per given time interval
  • Ticket queue prioritization
  • Agent ticket queue limiting

Assigning tickets from Zendesk view & Run ticket assignments once per given time interval

Now, to start ticket assignment with Round Robin App you need to specify:

  • Zendesk view which contains a ticket queue
  • Run interval
  • List of agents which the app will assign tickets (is imported from Zendesk)

That's all. The Round Robin App will receive tickets from given view and assign them to agents listed, once per given time interval. Setup guide.

Agent ticket queue limiting

Agents should only be given an amount of tickets that the agents can solve over a certain period of time. Other tickets should wait in a queue.
To achieve this, it is necessary to specify two parameters:

  • Max assignments per agent
  • Time interval

Round Robin will not assign tickets more than given number in a the given time interval. Setup guide.

Ticket queue prioritization

If the limit above is set, then some tickets will be assigned soon, some will wait in the queue. How can I set priorities?
The app assigns tickets in the order in which they are in Zendesk view. Thus, you can set priorities by changing the sort order of the view. Setup guide.

What will be further:

  • Assigning by agent's work schedules (support teams in different time zones)
  • Assigning tickets to available agents
  • Assigning a ticket by agent request

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