What is the Round Robin Agent availability app?
Round Robin Agent Availability app is an app that is installed into Zendesk's agent interface and enables your agents to set their own availability state in Round Robin (available, unavailable, or by schedule). It looks like this.
Why it's needed to update it?
Some Zendesk API methods used in the Agent availability app is deprecated by Zendesk. To be compatible with these changes the Agent availability app needs to be updated. If you are using the Round Robin Agent availability app in your Zendesk agent interface, you need to update it up to the latest version 5.2.
How to get updated:
1. Download the latest version of the app.
2. Install it ( » Apps » Manage » Upload private app).
3. Specify app parameters and click Save settings.
- Project id: Your Project id from Round Robin settings page.
- API key: Your API key from the Round Robin settings page.
6. Check that the new app works as expected
7. Uninstall the old one
8. Enjoy. You need to do nothing in Round Robin settings.
The old version will not be supported from October 01, 2020.